
Outpace Communications is the brainchild of Monica Pace.

Monica has more than 20 years of experience as a communications professional with state, regional and international associations, as well as higher education, and nonprofits. 

She knows how important it is for organizations to communicate creatively and effectively with their audiences, no matter the medium. Social media or print, video or face-to-face, the content of the message is the key.

She can help your organization with everything from strategic communications to media relations, content creation/management to desktop publishing, as well as all of your social media management needs.

Her creativity, problem-solving and ability to deliver effective marketing communications with an eye on the bottom line is an asset to all of our clients. 

She holds a bachelor’s degree in Journalism and Mass Communication from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and almost holds a master’s degree Corporate Communication from Austin Peay State University.

Contact us for more information.